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2022 10U Silver BGYFL Super Bowl Champion

PJC 18 - Naperville 0

2022 9U Silver BGYFL Super Bowl Runner-up

PJC 0 - Bloomingdale 13

Plainfield Junior Cats


23 Time Super Bowl Champions



2022    Super Bowl Champions        10U Silver        BGYFL

2022    Super Bowl Runner-up           9U Silver        BGYFL



2012    Super Bowl Champions         Premier           TCYFL

2012    National Champions              Premier           Daytona, FL

2011    Super Bowl Champions         Premier           TCYFL

2009    Super Bowl Champions         Premier           TCYFL

2007    Super Bowl Runner-up          Premier           TCYFL

2007    Super Bowl Runner-up          Elite                 TCYFL

2005    Super Bowl Runner-up          Premier           TCYFL

2004    Super Bowl Champions         Premier           TCYFL

2002    Super Bowl Champions         Green              River Valley



2017    Super Bowl Runner-up          Premier           TCYFL

2013    Super Bowl Champions         Premier           TCYFL

2012    Super Bowl Champions         Premier           TCYFL

2011    Super Bowl Runner-up          Premier           TCYFL

2010    Super Bowl Champions         Premier           TCYFL

2002    Super Bowl Champions         Green              River Valley

2002    Super Bowl Runner-up          Gold                River Valley

2001    Super Bowl Champions         Green              River Valley

2000    Super Bowl Runner-up          Gold                River Valley

1999    Super Bowl Runner-up          Gold                River Valley

1998    Super Bowl Champions         Gold                River Valley



2013    Super Bowl Runner-up          Premier           TCYFL

2012    Super Bowl Champions         Premier           TCYFL

2011    Super Bowl Runner-up          Ultimate           TCYFL

2011    Super Bowl Champions         MAC                TCYFL

2010    Super Bowl Runner-up          Premier           TCYFL

2009    Super Bowl Champions         Premier           TCYFL



2009    Super Bowl Runner-up          Premier           TCYFL

2007    Super Bowl Champions         Elite                 TCYFL

2006    Super Bowl Champions         Premier           TCYFL

2005    Super Bowl Runner-up          Elite                 TCYFL

1999    Super Bowl Champions         Green              River Valley



2013    Super Bowl Champions         Premier           TCYFL

2010    Super Bowl Runner-up          Elite                 TCYFL

2007    Super Bowl Champions         Premier           TCYFL

2006    Super Bowl Champions         Premier           TCYFL

2005    Super Bowl Runner-up          Premier           TCYFL

2004    Super Bowl Champions         Premier           TCYFL

2002    Super Bowl Runner-up          Green              River Valley

2000    Super Bowl Runner-up          Gold                River Valley

1998    Super Bowl Champions         Green              River Valley


Fall 2024 Football and Cheer Registration is Closed

The Plainfield Junior Cats (PJC) is a non-profit, volunteer-ran, competitive and developmental youth tackle football and cheer program that was created in 1972 as a feeder program to the local high schools.  This remains the foundation of our program today.

PJC is a member of the most sought-after Chicagoland football league, the Bill George Youth Football League (BGYFL), representing the Chicagoland suburbs for 61 years.  BGYFL is double the size of any league offered in the western suburbs which leads to competitive balance at each level and limited travel distances.  BGYFL franchises are located as north as Palatine and Park Ridge and as south as Plainfield.  Safety is the primary focus of BGYFL as demonstrated through its striper rule.  Under this rule, a striper weight limit is set at each age level distinguishing the weight for those that can run with the football.  If above the striper weight limit, the players will be placed on the offensive and defensive line.

Pricing for the 2024 season is as follows:

Football: $400.00 plus a $50.00 refundable volunteer fee. $450.00 total

Cheer$320.00 plus a $50.00 refundable volunteer fee. $370.00 total

PJC offers a “PLAY FOR FREE PROGRAM” (Fall Season only) --  You will be given raffle tickets at equipment handout/uniform fitting in June that you can sell for $10 each to reimburse yourself for the registration fees that are paid.

Typical raffle items include 4k HD Smart TVs, gift cards, and tablets.

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Click Here to become a PJC Sponsor


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Plainfield Jr Cats